Greenwich Point Conservancy’s Mission is to restore and preserve the historic structures and other elements at Greenwich Point for the enjoyment of current and future generations. 


The Greenwich Point Conservancy was formed in 2003 by residents concerned about the deteriorating condition of the historically important structures at Greenwich Point. These structures were originally part of Innis Arden, the country estate of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kennedy Tod, who owned the estate from the mid- 1880's until 1940.

The goal of the GPC is to work with the Town of Greenwich, and in particular the Department of Parks and Recreation, to develop and implement plans for the restoration and preservation of the important historic structures at Greenwich Point, and to provide funding for the related preservation projects. Proceeds from the GPC’s Annual Fundraiser, Beach Ball and other fundraising activities of the GPC are used for the restoration of the historic buildings at Greenwich Point. 

The Conservancy was incorporated in February of 2004, and is governed by a Board of Directors, comprised of Greenwich residents who share a love of Greenwich Point and its history. Directors and advisers include representatives of Friends of Greenwich Point, the Greenwich Audubon Society, the Greenwich Land Trust, the Historical Society of the Town of Greenwich, the Historic District Commission, the Bruce Museum of Arts and Sciences, Green Fingers Garden Club and the Old Greenwich Yacht Club and other organizations. The Greenwich Point Conservancy has 501 (c) 3 status under the rules of the I.R.S., and all donations to the Conservancy are tax exempt.

